Welcome February!

Seems like it was just harvest season, and now its already time to start those seeds for this year. Last year was a great harvest, with plenty of tomatoes, cucumbers, hot peppers and beans. There were a few disappointments, the racoons got the corn and the broccoli didn’t sprout. But we are at it again and we will get it right this year. The pumpkin patch was a success, and plenty of garlic and herbs. I will be posting some pics of the seed process as we get into it. Last fall we expanded some of the raised beds and planted a new onion/garlic patch. And we have 4 more new(used) raised beds we picked up at an estate sale, so lots more space coming,

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1 Response

  1. karen says:

    seed trays are prepped and ready over here. and i think my broccoli did better on fall garden so we will have to plan accordingly this year. and if you still want corn i really think its electric wire time , i might try some along my back fence this year but it isnt as sunny.