Happy Easter!
In early March we had even 65+ days and spring was on the way. Then we were whacked with a late March snowstorm to greet the Equinox, which set us back abit.

But now the weather has improved, the snow is gone and we are back on track. My wife’s new greenhouse is completed and plants are going in. The garden fence took a beating and I will be reinstalling it this week. We are planning expanding another 10 ft. northward. I am starting to strip the weed block from the interior. It lasted several years but is now getting ratty and the holes are not where we want new plantings to fall. Plus, after last year’s tomato blight it should be removed anyways to prevent another possible infection.

Over closer to the house we have raised beds. These are for herbs, and vegetables we can easily grab for dinner. There is a strawberry bed and a bed for asparagus as well. A problem developed with the elderberry bushes we planted next to the house, where they got so large they began to overshadow the raised beds. The picture below is last year.

This year, we relocated the elderberries away from the house. It was incredible how deep the roots were after only 3 years. Now we are adding 2 more raised beds plus several portable boxes. Turnips and beets are already in the covered box on the right. By the end of the week everything should be ready for when the planting can begin.