Well its February and we still have a foot of snow on the ground. But it is not too early to be thinking about planting. If you are just starting out, this is the time to decide just what you want to be harvesting in the fall. Tomatoes are a good start, maybe peppers or beans? Do you plan to preserve anything or just consume as things ripen? If you have larger space you can plant with less concern about room, but if you are in an urban area space is at a premium. We have the space to do pretty much what we want, so we plant alot. Especially for preserving for the winter. My daughter Karen Smit does plant out at Burtonia, but she also has beds and plantings in her urban space. Check her posts out on Facebook for some tips on urban gardening. So, see the chart below. This shows when to plant each type of vegetable. (remember to check your zone and adapt, this is Zone 6) I have used this guide for a few years as it shows when to start seeds inside as well as when to seed directly in the ground. I usually try to give credit for information from other websites, but, honestly, I don’t remember where I got this chart. Look it over, think about what you want to grow and next post I will include some pictures of our indoor starting.